“If that’s what a Christian is, I don’t want to be one.” Have you ever said that?
A young man witnessed his father losing his temper, using foul language, and drinking with his buddies. Then he saw his father dressed up for church, singing enthusiastically and giving a testimony in the church of how wonderful God had been to him. The young man said, “If that’s what a Christian is, I don’t want to be one.”
A young lady saw her dad coming home late on Saturday night drunk and vomiting all over the house. On Sunday morning, he dressed up, went to church with his family, and sang the praises of God loudly. She said, “If that’s what a Christian is, I don’t want to be one.”
A young lady who worked at a fast-food restaurant repeatedly observed the behavior of a well-known local preacher. She watched as he demanded extra service, was rude, and demeaned the girl who waited on him. She said, “If that’s what a Christian is, I don’t want to be one.”
There is no excuse for this kind of behavior by Christians. But - - -
Would you choose to go to hell because of the bad behavior of a professing Christian? Would you prefer to miss heaven because of that person? Romans 14:12 says, “Every one of us shall give account of HIMSELF to God.” The “bad behavior Christian” is irrelevant. What will you do with Christ?
Christ is the perfect, holy Son of God. There is no disappointment in Jesus. He loved you, died for your sins, and arose from the dead so that you could have eternal life. Trust Him today.